Ebony Eyes

Ebony Eyes
4802 vues
Transféré par Jeff Kitts le 11 Dec 2012 à Lunnenburg

White Tail Fawn

24 Commentaires

Melinda Alex posté 2015-07-16 6:24am

i love it your photography dear please must make a profile on website Youpic I strongly recommended you

Jeff Kitts posté 2013-02-19 9:39am

Thank You For the Comment On My Image Tim. I am going to look at the website this morning. Hope to see you there also. Have a Great Day !!!

Jeff Kitts posté 2013-02-13 12:04pm

Thank You Very Much Pat.

Pat Gaviller posté 2013-02-13 12:10am

Gorgeous photo of the fawn Jeff.

Jeff Kitts posté 2012-12-30 7:52am

Thank You Very Much Kim. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!


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