
8262 vues
Transféré par Bill McMullen le 22 Oct 2012 à Rockland

I found the title, "Ephemeral" fitting in many ways. It took nearly perfect conditions to get this shot of a soap bubble resting on ornamental grass. Time was one of the most important factors as the bubble would vanish as quickly as it formed. The absence of wind, great lighting and a complimentary background completed this short-lived experiment...

50 Commentaires

Andrew Du posté 2016-10-01 11:45am

Excellent composing!

Donna Daigle posté 2015-10-30 3:51pm

Photography at its finest, Well Done. Wow!

Sheri Rypstra posté 2015-08-02 11:58am

This picture was worth all the time and effort it took to get it right. Absolutely amazing!

Maria Vanesa Acuto posté 2015-08-02 11:42am

Superb image!!!

Sarah Cederholm posté 2015-04-14 1:06pm

great job!


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