Out And About

Out And About
8966 vues
Transféré par Kathy Mills le 13 Apr 2013 à Oxford Station

Wookie the chow chow is out and about on a Sunday afternoon

34 Commentaires

Sandra Braid posté 2013-07-10 10:32pm

Wookie is such a handsome fellow.

Alicia Procino posté 2013-07-10 11:53am

Hope we all cool off a little today!

Karen Maset posté 2013-07-10 9:18am

Love the Wookster he is so cool!

Sandra Braid posté 2013-07-09 6:46pm

Love the Wookster!!!!!!

Kathy Mills posté 2013-07-08 8:07pm

Do me a big favour and stop posting your diabtribe on my page. You have something to say post it on your own page.


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