the two of us

the two of us
237 vues
Transféré par Isabelle M le 12 Jan 2013 à Norland

Redpoll are taking over the yard,,,,

Tagué: redpoll

11 Commentaires

Isabelle M posté 2013-01-12 7:19pm

thank you all so very much for your wonderful comments and visits~

Allen Woodliffe posté 2013-01-12 4:11pm

The periodic invasion of these winter finches is wonderful to behold.....such a treat to have them in your back yard.....thanks for sharing, Isabella!

Charles Vince posté 2013-01-12 3:51pm

We should all be so lucky.!!! Great capture Isabella

Theresa Pero posté 2013-01-12 3:28pm


Bob Bissonette posté 2013-01-12 11:37am

Another great shot Isabella.


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